We had some leftover puff pastry from making our crispy curry puffs, so I threw together a quick dish so as not to waste the scraps! I lined the ramekins with the puff pastry, chopped up some onions and ham, fried them up, added some eggs, thickened cream, tasty cheese and seasoned it with salt and pepper. I poured the filling into the ramekins and baked it at 180 ℃ until they were cooked.
Note that I have not listed the exact quantities used in this recipe as I used a very rough estimate. A quiche filling is pretty standard though, and you can't go wrong if you follow the 1 egg to 1.5 cups of milk, cream or half-and-half ratio. You can add as much onion, ham and cheese as you like, and of course, season with salt and pepper to taste.
These came up delicious and no puff pastry went to waste!
- Leftover puff pastry
- Sliced ham
- Chopped onion
- Eggs
- Cream, milk or half-and-half (mixture made up using 1/2 cream and 1/2 milk)
- Shredded cheese
- Salt and pepper to taste